Monday, November 30, 2015

Lotería de Práctica- 5

It's time for our 5th grade Lotería de Práctica!  Here is your chance to impres your parents with what you have been learning :)  Just like with basketball, gymnastics, drawing, and playing an instrument, the best way to get better at something is to practice it.  Here is one way you can practice and get better at Spanish! 

Our drawing will be during lunch on Friday, Dec. 11th.   Extra tickets are available in Blackboard.  (Click on your team course, Unified Arts, and then Español.)

Activity #2"El problema de Big Bob's Flooring Outlet"
(a story created by a 5th grade class)

Activity #3:  Dos problemas en Chichen Itza

Activity #4Rags to Riches Chichen Itza