Friday, May 24, 2019

Caperucita Roja

Our 3rd grade classes read and acted out Caperucita Roja (Little Red Riding Hood) in Spanish.  Everyone had a part as we used words we learned all year to act out the book.  Here are a few of the videos of the finished product.  

There are many similarities to the well-known version, but watch the ending carefully....  It's different than most of the versions we had read! Enjoy!

Clase Mileham

Clase Jones

Clase Slusher

Clase Rottenberg

Clase Mongenas

Clase Seeger

Clase Bammerlin

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Las aventuras de Isabela

Let's review what we've read so far in Las aventuras de Isabela, chapters 1-6. 

Task 1: Frases Imporantes- Complete at least 2 of the following activities:

Task 2: Otros Juegos