Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Los Números

Please complete at least one activity from "Grupo A". As you feel successful in an activity, keep trying other activities and levels. 

Grupo A: Los Números 0-20

Grupo B:  Los Números 0-20 & tens digits:   

Grupo C:  Los Números 0-39 

Grupo D:  Los Números 0-100 

Quizlet- parte 1  (los números)
Quizlet- parte 2   (matemáticas)

Monday, September 23, 2019

Welcome video

Learn more about our Elementary Spanish program below.

We look forward to a great year with your child!

¡Bienvenidos!- Welcome

Welcome to Spanish at the Elementary School. This year our Spanish classes are taught by Señora Barb Danver, Señora Amy Kirchner, and Señora Lisa Schauer.

  • Señora Danver teaches 1st and 2nd grade Spanish at IHPS and two of our 4th grade classes at the ES. She enjoys reading, spending time outdoors, and hanging out with her husband and their bulldog, Lucy.
  • Señora Kirchner teaches 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade Spanish and teaches Spanish I at the High School. She likes to dance and rock climb.  
  • Señora Schauer teaches all 3 grades at IHES. She has taught Spanish for many years and has also taught 5th grade, 4th grade Science, and technology at IHES. Señora Schauer loves to read and spend time with her husband, their two children, their two dogs, and their new puppy!

At Indian Hill, our students have the unique opportunity of being exposed to a world language at a young age. Our goals in this program are to acquaint the children with another language, broaden their cultural awareness, create an interest in world language study, and continue fostering the development of their Spanish proficiency.

As a department, our philosophy is based on the fact that language is acquired subconsciously through understanding what we hear and read. For this reason, our classes are conducted 95% in Spanish and great emphasis is placed on understanding what is being said. The majority of our class time is spent using Spanish in original and creative ways.  A wide variety of activities, including reading, creating and acting out stories, illustrating,  and discussing short video clips, help students to interact with the language and show comprehension. Many of our class discussions are driven by student interests which helps build community in our classroom, connects students with one another and the world around them, and plays an integral part in giving the brain the novelty it craves while learning. 

Please fill out the online Parent Contact survey by clicking here. Feel free to contact us at any time with any questions or concerns.

We are looking forward to an exciting and successful year with your student!      
Barb Danver        (4S, 4V)
Amy Kirchner
        (3J, 3Mi, 3R, 3Sl, 4Ca, 4 R, 5Pink, 5Purple, 5Magenta)

Lisa Schauer   
        (3B, 3L, 3Mo, 3Se, 4Ch, 4J, 4Kr, 4W, 5Red, 5Green, 5Blue, & 5Orange)

Monday, June 3, 2019

Looking for something to do this summer....

Here are some ideas of things that you could do this summer to interact with Spanish (and have some fun!!) :)

  • Read parts of your class book!  Read in Spanish or English!
    • 3rd graders- Read a page of your Personas Especiales book to someone else.
    • 4th graders- Read a page of your Animal Adventure book to someone else.  

  • Play any of the games we did earlier this year that are posted in Classroom or on the blog.

  • Watch a show you know well. Turn on the Spanish subtitles and search for words you know.

Have a wonderful summer! We can't wait to see you in August!!!!

Friday, May 24, 2019

Caperucita Roja

Our 3rd grade classes read and acted out Caperucita Roja (Little Red Riding Hood) in Spanish.  Everyone had a part as we used words we learned all year to act out the book.  Here are a few of the videos of the finished product.  

There are many similarities to the well-known version, but watch the ending carefully....  It's different than most of the versions we had read! Enjoy!

Clase Mileham

Clase Jones

Clase Slusher

Clase Rottenberg

Clase Mongenas

Clase Seeger

Clase Bammerlin

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Las aventuras de Isabela

Let's review what we've read so far in Las aventuras de Isabela, chapters 1-6. 

Task 1: Frases Imporantes- Complete at least 2 of the following activities:

Task 2: Otros Juegos

Friday, March 8, 2019

Lotería- 3rd

It's time for our next Lotería de Práctica (Practice Lottery) for 3rd grade!  

The last day to turn in tickets will be held on Thurs., March 21!  Our goal is for each student to turn in at least 1 ticket.  

Ticket #1.  
Definitions of the vocabulary words:
  •     vive = s/he lives
  •     está enfermo/a =  s/he is sick
  •     ¡Ayúdame! = Help me!
  •     ve = s/he sees
  •     la abuela = the grandma
  •     tiene miedo = s/he has fear (is scared)
  •     el lobo = the wolf
  •     otra vez = another time 
Ticket #2: 
Click here:  La chica está enferma     Play "Match".  How fast can you do it?  You may try several times!

Ticket #4: 
Link to make 2 vocabulary videos:  Flipgrid link for Vocab videos  (The password is on your Lottery ticket.)

More directions and a sample video are on the page.  Have fun!
PS- Your video will not appear right away.  Señora Schauer and Señora Kirchner want to watch them first :)

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

La Lotería de Práctica- 5

It's time for our 5th grade Lotería de Práctica!  Here is your chance to impress your parents with what you have been learning :)  Just like with basketball, gymnastics, drawing, and playing an instrument, the best way to get better at something is to practice it.  Here is one way you can practice and get better at Spanish! 

The last day to turn in tickets will be Wednesday, Feb. 6th.   

Activity #1

  • juega = s/he plays
  • se cae = s/he falls
  • porque = because
  • suben = they climb
  • soy = I am
  • tiene = s/he has
  • tengo = I have

Activity #2"El problema de Big Bob's Flooring Outlet"
(a story created by a 5th grade class)

Activity #3Rags to Riches Chichen Itza

Activity #4:   Dos problemas en Chichen Itza