Welcome to Spanish at the Elementary School. This year our Spanish classes are taught by Señora Lisa Schauer, Señora Barb Danver, and Señorita Amy Giniewski.
- This is Señora Schauer’s 15th year at IHES. She has taught Spanish for thirteen years and has also taught 5th grade, 4th grade Science, and technology at IHES. Señora Schauer teaches all 3 grade levels at the ES. She loves to read and spend time with her husband, their two children, and their two dogs.
- Señora Danver has taught 1st and 2nd grade Spanish at IHPS and some of our 4th grade classes at the ES for the past 4 years. She enjoys running, reading, spending time outdoors, and playing with her bulldog, Lucy.
- This is Señorita Giniewski's 2nd year at Indian Hill. She teaches 3rd and 5th grade Spanish and Spanish I at the High School. She likes to dance and rock climb.
Please fill out the online Parent Contact survey by clicking here. Feel free to contact us at any time with any questions or concerns. We are looking forward to an exciting and successful year with your student!
Barb Danver barb.danver@indianhillschools.org
Learn Spanish: Rocket Spanish Premium 20CD Pack - Modules 1 to 8 (130+ learning hours) + Online Access :
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